We have set the goals in operating CHIKYU as follows;
① providing accurate and accident-free quality services at all times,
② ensuring the health and safety of all our employees and the parties concerned, and
③ taking actions on the preservation of the environment.
As a means to achieve our targets, we have introduced the HSQE Management System (see below note) and implemented education and training, safety management and others on a day-to-day basis in connection with the HSQE, thereby we will fulfill our duties as a professional in the operation of “CHIKYU” and contribute to social responsibilities.
※Note: HSQE Management System (HSQE MS)
The HSQE Management System is an integrated management system that builds on the factors concerning HSQE (Health, Safety, Quality, Environment) in a systematic way, and ensures to manage HSQE , while continuously improvement the system itself through PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action) cycle.