Health, Safety, Quality & Environment Policy
MANTLE QUEST JAPAN (“MQJ”)’s goal is to maintain and improve the health and safety of all employees, safe drilling and marine operations of the CHIKYU, whilst also recognising the importance of environmental preservation, subsequently providing high-quality of services as required by our customers.
We commit to sustainably conducting operations and business to contribute to society, and recognise that health, safety, environmental preservation, and quality assurance are essential factors.
To achieve such goals, MQJ has developed and implemented an integrated HSQE Management System (“HSQE MS”) conforming to the ISM Code, industry best practices, client preferences, and the relevant international and domestic regulations.
I will ensure that we continue to provide the necessary education and training programs, and management guidance in connection with the HSQE MS for all employees. Also, I request that employees always perform their respective duties in accordance with the HSQE MS Manual and other related documents.
All employees are entitled to stop or suspend any work being conducted if they observe health, safety, environmental, or quality assurance risks that are not adequately controlled, also to demand the re-evaluation of those risks and take preventive measures based on the HSQE MS.
I am confident that all employees will accomplish their respective duties with zero incidents by respecting and following the HSQE MS.
In closing, the ultimate responsibility for implementing the HSQE MS rests with me as President of MQJ.

Hiroyasu Ishiguro
President and Representative Director
Mantle Quest Japan Company, Ltd.
June 16, 2023
当社は、全従業員の健康・安全、「ちきゅう」の安全操業、品質の保持、環境の保全(Health, Safety, Quality, Environment、総称して“HSQE”)を高いレベルで維持するとともに更なる改善を重ねることにより、顧客の要求に合った高品質の掘削サービスを提供し続けていくことを目指しています。
当社は、創立当初からHSQEに関する統合型管理システムである「HSQEマネージメントシステム(“HSQE MS”)」(ISM Codeに適合)を導入し、その運用を通して目標の達成に取り組んでまいりました。
当社は、今後も、HSQEに関する教育やトレーニングおよびガイダンスを全従業員に提供し続け、全従業員に対してHSQE MSマニュアルに従って各々の業務を遂行することを要請してまいります。
全従業員がHSQE MSを遵守し、一切の事故を起こすことなく、各々の業務を遂行されることを心から期待いたします。