Safety and environment activities on board “CHIKYU”
1.General comment about safety
In the operation and management of “CHIKYU”, we recognize that the Goal of HSQE MS is to achieve safe operations on board "CHIKYU" including ensuring all crew member’s health and safety, maintain and improve the high level of Safety and Environment Activities which our customers demand. To achieve the goal, we authorize all employees to stop the work for the moment and seek HSQE measures to be taken for eliminating safety and environmental hazardous elements if they recognize that safety and environment hazardous elements are not properly managed.

2.Posting of Safety Officers
Two dedicated HSQE Safety Officers are assigned on board “CHIKYU” to engage in daily inspection rounds and awareness-raising efforts for safe work practices of the crew. By establishing a job dedicated to environmental and safety activities, we enhance its coordination with the safety management team onshore, and strongly promote the onboard safety management.

3.Various Safety Meeting
In addition to holding the meetings before and after the start and end of daily work, we hold bi-weekly General Safety Meeting that has a safety training aspect for all crew members, and also conduct the safety meetings that take into account the characteristics of respective area of work of each department under the leadership of HSQE Safety Officers.

4.Area Inspection
We divide on board into 12 areas and conduct weekly patrol in each area by OIM, Captain, Chief Engineer, Radio Officer, and two HSQE Safety Officers. In addition to checking whether there are any dangerous situations or defects, we also check whether the situations are well-organized in order to maintain a safer working environment.

5.Task Based Risk Assessment (TBRA)
We use a dedicated entry sheet to identify the dangerous elements associated with the task called Task Based Risk Assess (TBRA) and to confirm the measures necessary to reduce dangerous factors, before carrying out various tasks. As a result, we have established a system for sharing information among the TBRA team leader and its team members before doing actual work.

6.Permit To Work (PTW), Isolation
When the hot work, high position work, electrical high voltage work, or mechanical and electrical isolation activities need to be performed, we always carry out the TBRA described above (5) and use the format called Permit To Work (PTW) of the person responsible for Area Supervisor, Captain, and OIM to carry out the work with approval. When performing mechanical and electrical isolation in addition to physical isolation on CHIKYU, where many departments work together, a copy format called Isolation Certification is used in order to prevent incidents caused by malfunction by sharing reliable information and controlling multiple management among Isolation practitioners, operator, Area Supervisor, and Bridge.

7.HUNS System
The HUNS System is a system that actively shares and improves the large and small findings before occurring Incident through day-to-day work, and 20 to 40 reports are shared between the crew every day. HUNS is the initials of Hazard, Unsafe act, Near Miss, Safety act/observation, and Safety act/observation includes the information sharing of exemplary behaviors and work processes. The operation of this system also significantly contributes to raising awareness of the safety of the crew.

Safety and environment activities at the Head Office
At the Head Office, MQJ holds the Safety and Health Committee every month to discuss and consider to ensure the safety and health of employees at the Head Office and to create a comfortable working environment, and determine and implement necessary improvement measures.
In the event of occurring an emergency accident that affects the Company's health, safety, quality assurance, and environmental preservation, MQJ immediately establishes an Emergency Response Headquarters comprising the members from the Head Office management and the heads of the main departments to discuss countermeasures, etc. to be taken in such emergency.